A Bad Breath Treatment That Works

Are you looking for a bad breath treatment that works? Not just something that provides temporarily relief but actually something that helps to tackle the problem at it's root cause so that you won't have to deal again with bad breath? If so, then you will find useful information in this article.

Causes of Bad Breath
Many things can be possible causes of bad breath.

Of course, one of the most obvious and also most easy to avoid causes of a smelly breath is eating foods like onions and garlic. Sure, there are things you can do to counter their effects, but in general, common sense tells you that if you want to eat any of these foods, you have to accept the consequences.

Gum disease is another common cause of bad breath, and you should make an appointment with your dentist to check that. The same is true for cavities and dental plaque.

Xerostomia is another common cause of bad breath - it's a medical condition when your mouth is too dry. It is often caused by medication, but sometimes also by habitually breathing through your mouth instead of your nose or simply a general state of dehydration (for example, if you don't drink enough water).

The Mouth Wash Trap
Most people use a mouth wash to counter bad breath. However, a mouth wash can only provide temporary relief for your bad breath problem. If you use it regularly, you are putting your health in danger. Recent studies have shown that regularly using a liquid mouth wash can increase your cancer risk nine-fold, because mouth washes tend to weaken the protective lining inside your mouth.

What's more, it also throws the natural balance of your mouth flora out of balance, and thus will worsen your halitosis over time.

Proper Hydration
Hydrating your body properly is one of the most important preconditions for a healthy mouth flora. Simply drinking a glass of water every hour will help you to provide your body with all the liquid it needs.

Chewing Gum
Chewing gum will increase your saliva flow. And that's a good thing, because saliva helps to restore and maintain a healthy mouth flora and remove bacteria and food residues from your mouth. Instead of chewing gum, eating raw vegetables is also a good idea. (For example, try slicing up two carrots in the morning, put them in a ziplock back and munch a small piece every once in a while. Instead of just swallowing it down quickly, try to chew on it as long as possible before you swallow it. This will stimulate your saliva flow in a very healthy way).

Vitamin C
If you don't have enough vitamin C, you'll have to deal with all kinds of problems - one of them being smelly breath. Because vitamin C helps to remove excess mucus and toxins from your mouth. - source

Cure Bad Breath Permanently - With Water?

Bad breath affects 80% of the entire population on any given day. This is precisely why billions are spent each and every year trying to prevent halitosis. Unfortunately, the vast majority of products are a total waste of money because they either mask the halitosis or actually make the problem worse! How is this possible?

For more than 90% of the population, the source of bad breath are tiny microbes known as anaerobic bacteria. These bacteria are always present in your mouth no matter how many times you brush your teeth, use mouthwash, or visit the dentist. Anaerobic bacteria feed upon the food left behind in the crevices of the teeth and soft tissue after eating and excrete VSC's.

VSC's, or volatile sulfur compounds, actually produce the odors we hate so much. The larger the population of anaerobic bacteria, the more VSC's they produce and the more severe the halitosis. Anaerobic bacteria breed very fast when there is a large food supply (i.e., when you don't brush after meals!!) and the environment in your mouth is low in oxygen.

So how do most bad breath products actually make the problem worse? Because they cause dehydration.

That's right, water-or actually your saliva-is the key to fighting halitosis and many of the most popular and best selling products actually cause dehydration. This is because the very ingredients used to control the anaerobic bacteria are chemicals and other synthesized ingredients. These substances are considered toxic by the body which elevates oxidation rates and causes dehydration.

But saliva is your best friend when it comes to curing bad breath once and for all by controlling the anaerobic bacteria in 4 ways:

Oxygen Rich: Saliva is rich in oxygen which makes it harder for the bacteria to breed and produce VSC's.

Specialized Enzymes: Saliva also contains very specialized enzymes necessary to produce powerful antibodies that seek out and destroy the anaerobic bacteria.

Washes Away Food Supply: Every time you swallow, saliva washes away the very food anaerobic bacteria need to breed and produce the VSC's actually responsible for the foul odors.

Washes Away VSC's: On top of flushing away the food the bacteria need to breed, saliva also washes away the stinky VSC's they produce!

Unfortunately, dehydration deprives us of the saliva we need to control bad breath naturally. So if you want to cure halitosis once and for all, you need to avoid anything that causes dehydration, including:

Drinking Alcohol

Smoking Tobacco


Stimulants Like Those Found In Diet Aids

Certain Medications

Poor Diet

Using Bad Breath Products Made w/ Synthesized Ingredients

Simply consuming more water each day is a very easy way to boost hydration levels and ensure you have enough saliva to naturally control anaerobic bacteria. However, on top of proper hydration, you still need to fight the bacteria each day to keep their numbers (and VSC's) low.

You can actually make an all-natural mouthwash using common ingredients found in any grocery store for as little as $2-for an entire month's worth of mouthwash. All-natural ingredients will not cause dehydration and will help kill the bacteria to control bad breath all day long. So can you cure bad breath permanently with just water? Well, water and a little help! - source


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